Tools to Dig Out the Gold
from Your LifeWave Gold Mine!
The amount of gold you dig out of your gold mine is up to you! But there are tools you can use to dig out the gold faster.
Below is a list of Helpful Resources to grow your LifeWave business
and increase your skills and knowledge in this industry
Dr. Joseph Peck: Biggest medical breakthrough (Aug 2023; 2:22 min video)
For people new to LifeWave® and the phototherapy patches, visit for an introduction to phototherapy, the X39® patch, and LifeWave®. Watch the two short videos near the top of that webpage (2 min and 4 min). This is the best place to start.
Watch LifeWave introduction by Dr. Joseph Peck (2:28 min video)
Watch LifeWave introduction by Renita Brannon (2:55 min video)
The Big WHY: Watch the short LifeWave opportunity overview video by Roger Gauthier (2:37 min) in which he discusses 5 things necessary for a massive business and 4 questions people ask when considering a network marketing business.
WHY Onyx Coale chose X39 - Fantastic short message (18 minute video)
The best resource for empowering LifeWave® brand partners is
Another good site for empowering LifeWave® brand partners is
Review the LifeWave compensation plan: 4 ways to earn commissions PDF
Watch LifeWave Compensation Plan - Overview. This is an outstanding 13:28 minute video by LifeWave® Corporate.
Join the THIS IS IT Team Facebook Group (led by Steve & Gina Merritt)
Join the LifeWave Wellness Warriors Facebook Group (led by Renita Brannon)
Join the LifeWave Champions Facebook Group (led by Terry Beatley)
Join the Quantum Field Team Facebook Group (led by Onyx Coale)
Subscribe to the LifeWave Health YouTube channel. That is where David Schmidt does his LIVE broadcasts and posts his video replays.
To succeed in this business, it is important for you to stay plugged into the Zoom training at least once a week, as well as attend LIVE events.
Steve and Gina Merritt are the leaders for the THIS IS IT team, which is the fastest growing team in LifeWave throughout the world. Along with numerous other leaders, Renita & Scott Brannon and Terry Beatley are part of this team and conduct regular Zoom trainings.
Currently there are outstanding weekly Zoom calls in English by the THIS IS IT team on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturday. There are other calls in Spanish. To learn more, visit
Terry Beatley and Cynthia Sauer host a weekly Zoom meeting for business-minded brand partners on Tuesdays at 7 pm Eastern. The Zoom meeting ID is 423-983-7397, Passcode 39.
LifeWave Corporate hosts outstanding LIVE training with David Schmidt and other leaders and has its own video resource library at LifeWave Health.
David Schmidt explaining the benefits of each of the LifeWave® products (10 min). Review Dr. Joseph Peck's summary notes about each of the patches.
David Schmidt Explains X39 | The Science Behind It All | Onyx Coale Successful Network Marketing (2022; 43:48)
LifeWave® Connect webinar: X39 & Aeon with CEO David Schmidt (2023-09; 58:29)
LifeWave® Connect webinar: Carnosine with CEO David Schmidt (2021-07; 50:10)
LifeWave® Connect webinar: X39 & Energy Enhancer with CEO David Schmidt (2024-01; 1:01:06)
LifeWave® Connect webinar: Glutathione with CEO David Schmidt (2023-08; 59:30)
LifeWave® Connect webinar: IceWave with CEO David Schmidt (2022-12; 1:01:43)
LifeWave®: A Fresh Perspective on Phototherapy, Stem Cells, and the Future of Wellness with David Schmidt (and Dr. Joseph Peck, Terry Beatley, Renita Brannon, and Karen Bates) on 2023-08-03
David Schmidt, Renita for Doctors -
Dr. Joseph Peck: Biggest medical breakthrough (Aug 2023; 2:22 min video)
Beyond The Surface X39 | Dr. Leland Stillman Interview (Jan 2024)
LifeWave: Creating Momentum For Goals And Dreams with Dr. Peck (2024-07-15)
"Your Best Year Ever" virtual convention hosted by This Is It in January 2024 - pending link
IceWave Patch Placements: Part 3 of 4 (4:14) - Help with headaches
IceWave Patch Placements: Part 4 of 4 (3:39) - Discusses how to use the IceWave patches when someone is suffering with pain throughout their body
Glutathione Patch Placement (1:47) - Maybe apply 3-5x/week
GHK Copper Peptides: for Skin and Hair Beauty by Dr. Loren Pickart, PhD
Best Hydration Supplement
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Copyright 2024: LightLeads888
LifeWave® Disclaimer
The statements on LifeWave® products, websites or associated materials have not been evaluated by any regulatory authority and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. The content provided by LifeWave® is presented in summary form, is general in nature, and is provided for informational purposes only. Do not disregard any medical advice you have received or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on our websites or associated materials.
Please consult your own physician or appropriate health care provider about the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your own symptoms or medical conditions as these diseases commonly present with variable signs and symptoms. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet or fitness program. We assume no liability or responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property arising from any use of any product, information, idea, or instruction contained in the materials provided to you. LifeWave® reserves the right to change or discontinue at any time any aspect or feature containing our information
Our patches are based on the theory of phototherapy. The patches are not proven based on conventional medicine standards and should not be used in place of medical care.